
Multi-State Retailer
“We’ve tried it all... TV, Cable TV, Radio and Print... this program has been the most successful in delivering new customers to our stores.”
The singular focus of our business is finding new customers for your business.
And we do it better than anyone else in the business.
We can target residents, renters, or a combination of two that have just moved into your trading area.
New residents are eager to find providers for the goods and services they enjoyed at their "old" address... and they spend and spend... new residents typically spend at rates 9x higher than an in-place customer. They form new relationships, are open to switch brands and providers, and they do almost all of their spending, sampling, and selecting in the first 90 days at their new residence.
New movers often spend as much as $10,000 to get their new place and their new life situation exactly the way they want it. Want them to spend some of it with you?
Why NEW customers are so important to your business...
The average American business loses 16% of it's satisfied customers each and every year. Your read that correctly... you are losing 16 out of 100 of your best customers each year... not to mention those who might not be fully satisfied.
How can this be?
Life happens... people move, get married, divorced, go back to school, accept a new position, become ill, die, etc.
Look at the way this impacts your business.
If you want to GROW your business, you must GROW your customer base. But first, you must replace those otherwise satisfied customers who simply went away.
Do the MATH
How many satisfied customers does your business have now?
Here's how many you'll lose in the next 12 months
By what percent would you like to grow your business this year?
Action Required:
You need to grow your customer base by % or new customers, to
a) replace those customers that were lost
b) add enough new customers to achieve your goal.
We deliver those customers to business like yours, all over the United States.
How our program works
1. Describe your ideal customer.
- Geographically (distance from your business, zip code, city, state, county, etc)
- Demographically (residents, renter, estimated income, marital status, etc)
2. Establish a budget (our program starts as low as $250.00 per month). Or, we'll let you know how many of your "ideal" customers move in each and every month... and we'll establish a budget from there.
3. Tell us what you would like your new customers to do...
- Visit your store/business
- Call to schedule an appointment
- Contact you electronically
4. We'll do the rest.
We'll develop artwork and graphics that present your business professionally to new residents, and give them a compelling reason to take the action you desire. We know from experience what types of offers work (and which ones don't)... We'll share our experience with you every step of the way.
We'll mail your offer to your targeted audience on the schedule you desire.
Choose From:
- Weekly mailings to catch new residents right after they move in
- Monthly mailings if your offer is not time sensitive.
- "Time Delayed" mailings... If you want to reach someone on a time-certain basis... as an example insurance providers benefit from someone that is 2 months in place... as they will have policies expiring in the next 90 days.
Unique approach - we do all the work
Our Streamlined Process:
As a turn key marketing company, we market to new residents right as they move in, and you don't have to do any of the work. We take care of every step of the process for you. No one else in the industry offers this full package. Start Today!

$100 Marketing Services Certificate with our compliments.
Here’s a $100 “Head Start” on a new resident campaign customized to fit your business.
When can I expect to see results?
Right away! Start this week, get new customers by next week. Our clients typically see a steady stream of new clients within 10 business days of their first mailing.